Do not under estimate the power of this golf tip. To make sure that your right elbow is in the correct position at the top of your backswing, imagine that you are carrying a tray with a drink on it. Your top of backswing position and the "waiters" arm position should be exactly the same.
This sets your right elbow in the correct position and also makes sure that the golf club is swinging on the right swing plane with the proper clubface angle.
This is one of those golf swing tips that you can take on the course with you and have a constant check for your backswing position.
In my travels across the Internet I came across a website that has a unique golf swing test. This golf swing test was created to see if us golfers have a single swing fault that is stopping us from hitting the ball further, straighter and more consistently.
Apparently if you have this one swing fault it could be costing us up to 50 yards in distance.