Sunday, December 28, 2008

Top Golf Swing - Golf Tips

There should be some magic solution that we could accomplish getting our great practice swings to be duplicable when we are out on the course hitting the real shots.

Almost all of the professionals have accomplished this and their real swings are as good as the practice swings.

There are several tips that I found useful in getting my real golf swings to be as good as my practice swings:

1- Take a beautiful practice golf swing before you are ready for the real swing and try to duplicate it into your real golf swing.

2- Concentrate on one thing only during your real golf swing rather allowing multiple things to clutter your mind during the real swing.

3- Focus on the target area rather than the ball on the real golf swing.

4- Relax your muscles prior to making your real golf swing.

5- Have someone take a video of your practice golf swing vs. your real golf swing and you might learn something from it.

Remember these golf tips if you want to get your real golf swing to be as good as your practice swing and improve your golf score.

Practice making perfect practice swings and then convert them to your No. 1 real golf swings on your next round of golf.

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